An incredible large souvenir, that opens trifold into 24 pages. It used to be sold to the guests that had their picture taken. This particular piece did not have a photo when we acquired it, in the space reserved for the customers photo we added a color postcard.
In its 24 bilingual pages, its describe the history of Tropicana, from the initial owner of the grounds in which it was built, to the date of publication in the late 1950.
It continues with details of how the idea of Tropicana was formed, names and photos of the creators, owners, and directors at the time. Photos of many of the artists that performed in their shows.A very complete history of the famous nightclub and casino.
Many photos, some in color, of the different areas and stunning sculptures in the gardens, a view of the ample casino and the a double wide picture of the outdoors stage. A very rare piece.