Cuban Advertising Glass from the 1950's.
The famous Cuban soft drink Materva obtained
the rights to make a series of advertising
glasses based on Walt Disney's
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
One glass with two sides views.
One side of the glass shows the image and name
of one of the characters, and the title in Spanish
of the story. At the feet of the image the Copyright
logo of Walt Disney.
We placed bubble paper inside the glass to
block the other side of the glass from
intermingling with the front view.
On the other side the glass shows a very detailed
description of the character in English, and right
underneath their
advertising message in Spanish that translate loosely to:
"Gift from Materva soft drink."
Size: 4.5 inches.
Vaso cubano de propaganda de la década de 1950.
Imágenes de los dos lados de un mismo vaso.
El conocido refresco Materva utilizo la historieta de
Blanca Nieves, de Walt Disney para hacer esta serie
de vasos que regalaba como promoción a
sus productos.
Por un lado del vaso la imagen del personaje, y por
el otro lado, como cosa curiosa la descripción de
cada personaje en idioma ingles, y le sigue debajo
su propaganda en español: OBSEQUIO DEL
Tamaño: 4.5 pulgadas.