Like new, an original empty Cuban 100 pounds sugar sack of the type used by sugar factories in Cuba. Looks like was never used, incredible firm colors. From Sugar Mill Central Andorra, Artemisa, Pinar del Rio, Cuba. In extremely good condition, made of linen, no tears, no reaps, no holes, incredible after half century. Not two sacks are in the exact condition, photo shown is a representative of these sacks. Looks like never had sugar inside.
All sugar bags shown in our site are of approximate the same size, 18 X 32 inches, they may appear smaller or larger than others because the photos were taken from different angles.
Saco del tipo que se usaba en ingenios y centrales de Cuba para almacenar el az�car de 100 libras.
Saco vacfo, original del Central Andorra, Artemisa, Pinar del Rio, Cuba. En extraordinarias condiciones de conservación, hecho de tela de hilo (lino) sin roturas, descosidos. Los colores bien definidos, todos tienen al menos una peque�a y ligera mancha en alg�n lugar, sobre todo en la parte de atras.