Libro - Book
English only. Foreword
SINCE the recent discovery of jungle yellow fever by the scientists of the International Health Board of the Rockefeller Foundation and the vast areas in both South America and Africa where this disease has recently been found to exist in endemic form, there has been a greatly renewed interest in the subject from both the public health and scientific points of view.
W.hile lecturing at the University of Havana in 1936 I had the great pleasure of meeting Dr. Carlos E. Finlay, the author of this book, and very naturally the conversation soon centered about yellow fever and the work of his illustrious father. Some time later I was invited by Dr. Finlay to inspect various records and items of historic importance having to do with the discovery of the mosquito transmission of this disease. It soon became apparent that much of this material had not been published in the English language and therefore too little was known among those of us who do not read Spanish, of the important contributions made by Carlos Finlay. I suggested that Dr. Finlay incorporate his data in book form as I felt that a book coming from one so intimately familiar with the work would be of great historic importance.
Whether Carlos Finlay produced mild yellow fever by allowing bis infected mosquitoes to bite non-immune volunteers, the reader may judge for himself from the following pages. The fact remains that after years of patient research Carlos Finlay singled out from all others in Cuba the mosquito now known as Aedes aegypti as.....
Autor: Carlos E. Finlay, M.D., F.A.C.S. Professor of Ophthalmolgy of the University of Havana
Editor: Morton C. Kahn, 1940, Oxford Medical Publications.
249 pages of 9 X 6 inches, Original Cover.